Where Are You?

Where Are You?

Where are you?

I think it is safe to say that we have either uttered these words at one point in our lives or had them spoken to us.

Where are you?

This statement refers to someone that cannot be found or someone hidden from sight.

I find this statement profound in Genesis 3:9.

Prior to Genesis 3:9 we find Adam and Eve’s truth about God being tempted and distorted. The devil made them question God’s authority, which introduced unbelief into the world to mankind for the very first time ever. This unbelief, as we have seen and witnessed, now permeates the earth and every human being from the moment they are born. An unbelief that humans must now battle with until their death.

What takes place in Genesis 3:9 is incredible.

But the Lord called out to the man, “Where are you?”

God knew exactly where they were and He knew exactly what they had done. He immediately felt their separation from Him, their shame. He KNEW. Just like a parent knows when their child has disobeyed. Just like when we witness shame even when it is unspoken. HE - KNEW.

And what did God do? He called to them, “Where are you?”

Adam and Eve’s relationship with God had taken a tragic turn. No longer did they have perfect union with the Creator of the Universe, but they now felt utter fear for the One who held their lives in His hands.

“Where are you?”

God knew exactly where they were. But in order to restore their relationship with God, in order to find forgiveness, they had to move. They had to come out of hiding. They had to say, “Here I am.”

There were still grave consequences for their sin. Grave consequences for believing a lie over Truth. But God didn’t abandon them. He didn’t leave them. He called to them, just like He calls to you and me today. He calls us to Himself to find peace, healing, restoration, redemption, truth, wisdom, forgiveness. He stands in the form of Jesus saying, “Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

He KNOWS where you are. He KNOWS your hidden secrets. He KNOWS your pain and sees your burdens. He KNOWS your struggles and is waiting and wanting to take the weight of this world from your shoulders. His arms are stretched wide, all that you have to do is step out of hiding and into the saving arms of a Savior.

The only question that has to be answered is “Where are you?”

The answer: Here I am.

Scripture: More than Memes and Pretty Quotes of the Day

Scripture: More than Memes and Pretty Quotes of the Day

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