Faith & Comfort Don't Mix || Part 4b of 4

Faith & Comfort Don't Mix || Part 4b of 4


Wouldn’t you say most of us seek comfort? I know I do.

It is what we are told we must seek on the daily. Discomfort just seems ungodly. We want to live comfortable lives. Live in a comfortable house. We don’t want our boat rocked too much. And God forbid we deal with anything big.

However, God doesn’t call us (those who profess to be Christians) to live comfortably.

Please watch this short video before reading on.

“God does not call us to live the safest life possible. And yet, this what the majority does.” - Francis Chan

The first time I saw this video it cut straight to my heart. “God does not call us to live the safest life possible.”

I want to back up a minute to clarify something real quick. When I say that God doesn’t call us to comfort, I am not saying that God doesn’t want us to enjoy the pleasures of this life. That you can’t enjoy a lovely home. And that God doesn’t want to bless you with those things. That isn’t it at all. But if our main goal in life is to seek comfort, then we need to reevaluate our priorities.

I am also not saying that you need to sell everything, go live in a mud hut in the middle of Africa and eat locusts and honey. Although, God may call you (or me) to do that… so, get your passport ready.

What God DOES call us to is a faith that lives so fiercely for Him that it pushes us past our comfort zones and into a place that walks with a bold faith in defiance to comfort.

I don’t know about you, but like Francis Chan’s video, I don’t want to live a life that just floats through. I want to live a life with a fierce, bold, courageous faith for Christ. A faith that allows God to use me, stretch me, and get me out of my comfort zones. I want a faith that isn’t afraid to take risks for Him. Isn’t afraid to speak up for truth, isn’t afraid to make bold moves. Isn’t afraid to live outside of the “norm.” I want a life that moves mountains, and mountains that can only be defined as only: Because God. That is the life and legacy I want to leave.

In 2010 I asked myself this question, which is written in my Bible: What am I doing right now that requires faith? We spend so much of our time seeking comfort… But God doesn’t call us to be comfortable.

Over and over Jerry and I would ask each other this question:

Do you think life is too easy? Too comfortable?

I feel like we should be doing more.

Fierce Faith takes chances and steps OUT in faith. As I mentioned in Faith Pushes Boundaries, James states to merely have faith and not use it is not faith at all. (James 2:17)

What is God calling you to that requires faith?

What is He showing you that makes you feel a little itchy?

Makes your palms sweat just thinking about it?

What is He preparing you for?

Maybe you haven’t asked Him. Here is a powerful prayer you can pray: “Jesus, use me.”

This is a prayer of faith in action. And once we surrender to allow Jesus to fully use us, we open our hands with the reigns of our lives, and hand them over to Him.

Being a believer in Christ removes the worldly comforts and surrounds us with the steadfastness and comforts of Heaven. The comforts of Kingdom work. The comfort that Christ is reigning, moving, and doing a good work. We cannot take any of the things that we think are so important with us to heaven. They are things. What truly truly matters are the lives and souls we encounter on the daily. It also moves us to USE the blessings God has given us: our home, car, lives, income, ev-er-y-thing, for HIM.

Jesus makes it VERY clear in Matthew 6:19-21

19 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.

Removing our desire for worldly comfort will only make us bold for Jesus. A boldness that isn’t just mere words, but moves us to ACTION.


Visit links below for next post in this series:

What is Faith?

What Faith is NOT

What Faith IS Part 1 of 4

What Faith IS Part 2 of 4

Bookshelf Faith || What Faith Is Part 3 of 4

Faith Pushes Boundaries || Part 4a of 4d

Faith & Comfort Don’t Mix || Part 4b of 4d

Faith is Constant || Part 4c of 4d

Faith is Courageous and BOLD || Part 4d of 4d

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Fri-YAY! A Much Needed Winter Break!

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