
Tired. Burdened. Worried. Weary… These are all things every human being has experienced or is currently experiencing.

This morning I woke up particularly tired and not thrilled about doing much of the same again. Then this verse came to my mind, “Come to Me… and I will give you rest.”

Salt That's Gone Bad

I enjoy cooking at times. Actually, I enjoy baking: bread, cookies, bread, more bread. It’s my jam. Or rather, butter. I like butter better. Especially salted butter. Yummmm! Anyways, my point is, I enjoy creating things in the kitchen and then consuming them. Which is why I workout. But that’s not what this post is about. I digress.

The Art of Complaining vs Praying

I have been reading through Exodus lately. An account of the Israelites being freed and exiting Egypt and wandering the wilderness for 40 years. This wandering period was not to torture them or punish them, but a time of testing. A time where God was showing them over and over and over again that He alone is to be trusted. He alone is to be served. He alone would provide every-single-need that they had. And over and over and over again the Israelites would turn their trust from God and place it back on something else. Something false and untrue.

Woah! Hey January!

And then it was January!

I took a little unintentional break from writing. Totally didn’t mean to. In fact, I had completely planned on using our Christmas and New Year break to write and prepare articles. But alas, I did not. And then just like that we jumped right back in to our homeschool days, which I was not ready (and still am not) 100% to be back in the groove. But alas, we are back at it!

A Decade of Memories | Write Them and Remember Them

As I sat down for my quiet time yesterday, a little melancholied at the thought of getting back into the grind of our daily “to do’s,” I began to write down some of the blessings that took place this past decade. Remembering, writing, and thanking God for every single one of those moments. Because in true reality, when I look back, these things that took place were NOT my doing at all, but God’s prompting and our listening and following His guidance.

Grandma Jean’s Molasses Cookies

Every year I bake my Grandma Jean's Molasses Cookies using a recipe written by her own hand in beautiful cursive. The aroma fills my house and brings back lots of sweet memories.

I wish you could have met my Grandma Jean. She was an awesome woman. Loved Jesus, which shined through everything she did and said. She was strong and confident, yet so approachable and so caring. Baking her recipe makes me smile as well as miss her and my Grandpa Frank a lot.

Christmas Isn't Hallmark Movie Moments

I love me some Hallmark Movies! They are predictable, the storyline is typically the EXACT SAME in EVERY movie. The houses are decorated with so much garland and Christmas decor (even in the bachelor’s house) that it looks like elves vomited glitter everywhere. Oh! And Hallmark Movies ALWAYS end with a kiss. Although, spoiler alert, they’ve been switching things up a bit. I KNOW! Exciting times! Haha!

Gingerbread House Making

Today the kids and I joined in on some fun festive Christmas celebrations with our Classical Conversations Thursday Community. The kids put on a fantastic Talent Show in front of their peers and loved ones. It was so awesome to see these kids conquer nerves and use their public speaking skills that they learn all throughout the year be put to use.

Desire vs. Duty

When you think of having a quiet time with God, which would would you choose? Duty or Desire?

Too often we look at spending time with Jesus as a “duty to Christian living.” We start creating legalistic “to do’s” to check off to make us feel as though we are meeting requirements. However, God doesn’t want duty, He doesn’t want fake worship. He doesn’t want us to worship Him out of obligation.

Fri-YAY! A Much Needed Winter Break!

Every year right around this time many homeschool parents are READY for a break! A break from the daily tasks, a break from schedules, a break from the grind. And I am grateful Christmas takes place when it does.Breaks like this allow me to regroup and focus back on what is most important (for us, Christ) and our WHY for homeschooling. Remembering our WHY for homeschooling fuels me for the reason I chose this journey for education and excites me for the weeks (and years) ahead.

Faith & Comfort Don't Mix || Part 4b of 4


Wouldn’t you say most of us seek comfort? I know I do.

It is what we are told we must seek on the daily. Discomfort just seems ungodly. We want to live comfortable lives. Live in a comfortable house. We don’t want our boat rocked too much. And God forbid we deal with anything big…

Imperfect Fake Christmas Tree

“Don’t touch that.”
“You’re clumping them altogether.”
“Slow down.”
“Spread the ornaments out more.”
“I want it to look nice.”

Bing Crosby played in the background, the fire place created a lovely glow and added to the ambiance, and I sounded like an obsessive compulsive person sucking the fun out of the room.

Faith Pushes Boundaries Part 4 of 4a

In 2010 Jerry came home from Men’s Bible Study with something upon his heart. Pastor Nate, our former lead Pastor and now District Executive Minister for Converge World Wide, had recently returned with his family from Thailand and Cambodia for their sabbatical. While Nate was on the trip he not only heard about a massive need to help rehabilitate lives from sex trafficking, but saw it first hand. This lead him to commit Cascade Church to the construction of a portion of a building to help rehabilitate lives, but he had no clue where the money would come from. He chose to step out in faith, obeying God’s prompting in his heart knowing God would provide. And this obedience would forever change our lives.

Thanksgiving || Give Thanks

Tomorrow many of us will gather around tables with friends, family, or even strangers. The day will be filled with preparations, food, festivities, and maybe even some football. And even on a day that we have dedicated to giving thanks, there may be thanksgiving through pain of missing loved ones, thanksgiving through tears, thanksgiving through hardships. But whatever the circumstances, give thanks.

Pumpkin Pie Bread || Holiday Bread


Where there is bread, there Michelle will be with a stick of butter.

Y’all. (No I’m not southern, it just felt like it fit.) I LOVE BREAD. I have since I was a wee one. Any holiday feast or Sunday roast was not without my Grandma Jean’s homemade rolls. They are soft, buttery, and oh sooooo delicious! Especially when it was paired with her strawberry jelly. So good!

Give Thanks in Every Circumstance

And so the holidays begin.

The holidays can bring about a lot of mixed emotions. They can be filled with happiness and sadness. Even at the same exact time.

I sat down to write a blog post on being thankful, of which this absolutely is. But it’s more than just being thankful in the good times, in times of celebration... It is about being thankful in EVERY circumstance. Good and bad.

Bookshelf Faith || What Faith IS (Part 3 of 4)

When I was younger, faith was an idea of wishing and hoping. If I wished and hoped hard enough, kind of like rubbing a lamp, then what I wanted would happen. And if that thing I was wishing and hoping for didn’t happen, well, apparently I did not have enough faith.

I also treated my faith like many of the books I have on my shelves. When I needed it, needed something, or had a problem, I would grab my faith off the shelf, thumb through it, wish upon a star, then put it back where it originally was. On the shelf. Not in use.

Call To Me

“Call to Me and I will answer you…”

The cares of this world are many.
The desires of our hearts are many.
The answers we want about life are many.

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

God in all His majesty and glory is waiting for us to call on Him.